Become a Member - All DES families are welcome!
How does my family become a member?
The PTO asks each family to donate $15 which goes towards operating the PTO and classroom parties throughout the year. You can send your donation directly to the Dunbarton PTO via PayPal or send a check (made payable to Dunbarton PTO) or cash in an envelope marked “PTO”, and give it to your child’s teacher.
Do I renew my membership each year?
Yes, at the beginning of the school year, your child(ren) will bring home information to register for the current school year.
Am I required to do anything?
No, but we encourage your involvement however your schedule allows to enrich your child(ren)’s experience at DES! There are ample opportunities to volunteer and any amount of time is appreciated, whether it’s giving your time at events o! Optional PTO meetings are also held monthly throughout the school year that keeps members updated with the latest PTO happenings.
Dunbarton Elementary School is the consistent winner of the Blue Ribbon Award from N.H. Partners in Education for the extraordinary number of volunteer hours our dedicated parents and guardians donate to the school. Please join us as we march toward another record-breaking year!
Guidelines for volunteering at DES:
The Dunbarton School Board requires adherence to NH RSA 632-A:10 if you wish to participate in our volunteer program. You will need to download the statute and registration form: DES Volunteer Affidavit. Please take care to read this statute completely, then fill out, sign and return the form to your child’s teacher. For security purposes and the safety of all our children, no one will be allowed to volunteer for any school activities (in the classroom, on school grounds, or on a field trip) without first submitting a completed Volunteer Registration form and receiving Orientation (if you have not already). Once you have met these requirements, your name will be placed on the Volunteer Master List that will be given to the school administration and staff.
Already a Volunteer?
For those volunteers who have already completed orientation in the past, and were approved to volunteer last year, it is only necessary that you fill out, sign, and return the DES Volunteer Affidavit to have your name placed on this year’s Master list. Anyone without an updated Registration Form will not be allowed to volunteer, so please be sure to return it soon!
Volunteer Sign-In – Don’t Forget!
When volunteering within the school, please remember to sign-in as a visitor to the school AND on the volunteer sign-in sheet when picking up your nametag or photo ID. Although nametags are acceptable, the school offers the opportunity for volunteers to receive a photo ID on School Picture Day.
Donations are welcome for any amount throughout the year. Your support allows us to contribute to enriching programs at DES for our children including:
An annual town-wide scholarship program for a graduating senior
Support for the 6th grade Science Camp
6th grade DARE graduation assistance
Substantial assistance for the Artist-in-Residence program
Some “extras” for the classroom and playground equipment
Appreciation gifts and events throughout the year for DES teachers and staff
Don’t have time to volunteer for events or don’t want to bake? Make a donation!